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Exception Handling

The following convention should be followed for Exception handling:

  • Exception handling is a must and should be mitigated.
  • Do not use bare except or except Exception which catches all the exception.
    • Always be specific on exception. E.g. catch only FileNotFoundError if you are say moving a file.
  • User Defined Exceptions:
    • Write your custom error only when your error is not described or fulfilled by internal exceptions.
    • Create custom Exception class primarily suffixing it with Error such as MyCustomError(Exception) and use it.
    • Always use Exception as your parent class for user defined exceptions. Donot use BaseException.
  • Add traceback to your mitigation. i.e. either logging or mails. Donot pass.
  • The try block should be specific to desired exception. Donot use huge code chunk in try. Use else if needed.
value = int(some_str)
except ValueError: # when not using exception object
WHEN some_str IS not valid as value.
except TypeError:
WHEN some_str IS OTHER TYPE such as [], ()
else: #can be avoided if exceptions are handled and returned. This is in context to try block.

value = int(some_str)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as error:
HANDLE BOTH exception and use exception object
else: # If needed
do something when try succeeds.
codebase to run anyway
  • finally can be used if you need to run the block whatever the case. context can be used in many cases to avoid finally.
  • sys.exc_info and traceback can be used for traceback.
  • Please read this on exceptions handling internals and leaks when referencing exceptions.