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The following convention should be followed for class naming:

  • Class names are generally nouns or nouns phrases, in title-case with the first letter of each separate word capitalized or UpperCamelCase. e.g.

    • LeaveController
    • EmployeeRepository
    • AttendanceRecord
  • Test classes are named starting with the name of the class they are testing, and ending with Test. For example,

    • LeaveControllerTest
    • AttendanceRecordTest
  • Class name should be designed with single responsibility principle, self descriptive and self documenting.

  • Classes on various application layers should be suffixed with terms as given below

    • Controller
      • LeaveController
      • ReportController
    • Service
      • EmployeeService
      • LeaveCalculator
      • ReportManager
    • Models
      • Leave
      • Employee
      • Balance
      • Report
    • Utils
      • ExceptionUtils
      • ReportBuilder (follows builder pattern while generating report)
      • HTMLParser (cases which includes acronyms, should be written as it is.)
    • Repository/DAO
      • EmployeeDao
      • LeaveRepository