The following convention should be followed for variable naming
Variable names should be noun or adjectives and should be camelCase. e.g age, balance, employeeReport etc
Variable names should not start with underscore _ or dollar sign $ characters, even though both are allowed.
Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic, self descriptive and semantical designed to indicate its intention.
One-character variable names should be avoided like i, j, k, m etc
Variable name should be plural if that is a collections. for e.g employees, leaves represents a list.
Variables names should be declared as per their types
- Map/KeyValue pair should be declared as keyToValue and valueByKey. For e.g ageByName or nameToAge.
- Set can be prefixed as unique before variable names. For e.g uniqueNames
- Boolean can be prefixed as is/are/has e.g. isVisible, isEligible, hasMaximumAmount
Instance variable should be camelCase of their class names.
- employeeService is an instance of EmployeeService.
- reportDao is an instance of ReportDao.
- Constants names holds same conventions as variable except it should be UPPER_CASE separated by (_) underscore.