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The following convention should be followed for variable naming

  • Variable names should be noun or adjectives and should be camelCase. e.g age, balance, employeeReport etc

  • Variable names should not start with underscore _ or dollar sign $ characters, even though both are allowed.

  • Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic, self descriptive and semantical designed to indicate its intention.

  • One-character variable names should be avoided like i, j, k, m etc

  • Variable name should be plural if that is a collections. for e.g employees, leaves represents a list.

  • Variables names should be declared as per their types

    • Map/KeyValue pair should be declared as keyToValue and valueByKey. For e.g ageByName or nameToAge.
    • Set can be prefixed as unique before variable names. For e.g uniqueNames
    • Boolean can be prefixed as is/are/has e.g. isVisible, isEligible, hasMaximumAmount
  • Instance variable should be camelCase of their class names.

    • employeeService is an instance of EmployeeService.
    • reportDao is an instance of ReportDao.


  • Constants names holds same conventions as variable except it should be UPPER_CASE separated by (_) underscore.