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The following convention should be followed for variable naming:

  • snake_case or descriptive word all in lowercase for any type of variables except CONSTANTS.
  • ALL_CAPS for constants. python doesnot have the concept of constants so this is just a convention.
  • Variable Privacy is not something that python encourages or supports but there may be case where privacy is required.
    • __{variable_name} if you want something to denote private.
    • _{variable_name} if you want something to denote not publicly used or something that may change later.
    • __{variable_name} are not directly accesible while _{variable_name} are. They are just for convention.
  • Avoid builtin variable clash. Especially in globals. You can attach _ as suffix to builtin names if you deem the name necessary for your variable.
    • all or id is very tempting variable names but they are builtin methods in python. Go with all_ or id_ for these or better yet choose something else as a name.
  • While it is tempting to use i, k, v and f especially in contexts and for loops. Please avoid them.
    • use key, value, index instead.
    • use descriptive contexts such as with open(FILENAME) as open_file: pass rather than with open(FILENAME) as f: pass